About Me

Who Is Jared Sorensen?

I’m a web developer and consultant. My mission is to help free thinkers and small business owners build attention-grabbing, revenue-generating, AI-enhanced Internet environments.

I’m a computer programmer. Over the past 30 plus years I’ve worked with just about every programming language and operating system there is.

I’m a political independent and free-speech advocate.  I vote my conscience and enjoy poking fun at the absurdities I see in all political parties and persuasions.

I’m a big fan of independent, alternative online media platforms.

I’m an author, though you would never know it, since most of my books have been technical manuals or other publications written on behalf of corporations. I’m also known for my corny poetry and funny songs.

I’m a public speaker. I’ve given presentations at various conventions and gatherings around the world.

I’m an entrepreneur. I’ve owned several small businesses.

I’m an emergency preparedness expert, a devout Christian, and a museum aficionado.

I speak English natively, Spanish fairly fluently, French rather poorly, and have rudimentary skills in several other languages.

I’m a web designer and webmaster. I manage way too many websites. 🙂

I had the privilege of participating in the development of HTML, CSS, and other Internet fundamentals. I have worked with artificial intelligence in one way or another ever since I left college.

In past years I have been a radio talk show host, semi-professional singer, linguist, genealogist, missionary, and museum curator.

Most importantly, I’m a husband, the father of nine amazing children, and the grandfather of an ever-growing posterity.

And I would love to be your mentor and friend as we work together to supercharge your online business!

Would you like my help on a project? Contact me or schedule a free consultation today!

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